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-<font size="+1">NMOS 6502 Opcodes</font>&nbsp;<font size="-1">by John Pickens,
-Updated by Bruce Clark and by Ed Spittles</font>
-<br><a href="">[Up to Tutorials and Aids]</a>
-<table style="font-family:'Lucida Console', monospace" width="90%" cellpadding="2" border="2">
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td align="center"><a href="#BRA">Branches</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#DFLAG">Decimal Mode</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#IFLAG">Interrupt Flag</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#VFLAG">Overflow Flag</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#PC">Program
- Counter</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#STACK">Stack</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#TIMES">Times</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#WRAP">Wrap-around</a></td></tr></tbody></table>
-</p><table width="90%" cellpadding="2" border="2">
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td align="center"><a href="#ADC">ADC</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#AND">AND</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#ASL">ASL</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#BCC">BCC</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#BCS">BCS</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#BEQ">BEQ</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#BIT">BIT</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#BMI">BMI</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#BNE">BNE</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#BPL">BPL</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#BRK">BRK</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#BVC">BVC</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#BVS">BVS</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#CLC">CLC</a></td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center"><a href="#CLD">CLD</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#CLI">CLI</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#CLV">CLV</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#CMP">CMP</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#CPX">CPX</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#CPY">CPY</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#DEC">DEC</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#DEX">DEX</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#DEY">DEY</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#EOR">EOR</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#INC">INC</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#INX">INX</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#INY">INY</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#JMP">JMP</a></td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center"><a href="#JSR">JSR</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#LDA">LDA</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#LDX">LDX</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#LDY">LDY</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#LSR">LSR</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#NOP">NOP</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#ORA">ORA</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#PHA">PHA</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#PHP">PHP</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#PLA">PLA</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#PLP">PLP</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#ROL">ROL</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#ROR">ROR</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#RTI">RTI</a></td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center"><a href="#RTS">RTS</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#SBC">SBC</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#SEC">SEC</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#SED">SED</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#SEI">SEI</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#STA">STA</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#STX">STX</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#STY">STY</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#TAX">TAX</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#TAY">TAY</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#TSX">TSX</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#TXA">TXA</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#TXS">TXS</a></td>
- <td align="center"><a href="#TYA">TYA</a></td></tr></tbody></table>
-<p><a name="ADC">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>ADC (ADd with Carry)</h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N V Z C </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Immediate ADC #$44 $69 2 2
-Zero Page ADC $44 $65 2 3
-Zero Page,X ADC $44,X $75 2 4
-Absolute ADC $4400 $6D 3 4
-Absolute,X ADC $4400,X $7D 3 4+
-Absolute,Y ADC $4400,Y $79 3 4+
-Indirect,X ADC ($44,X) $61 2 6
-Indirect,Y ADC ($44),Y $71 2 5+
-+ add 1 cycle if page boundary crossed
-</pre>ADC results are dependant on the setting of the <a href="#DFLAG">decimal flag</a>. In decimal
-mode, addition is carried out on the assumption that the values involved are
-packed BCD (Binary Coded Decimal).
-<p>There is no way to add without carry.
-</p><p><a name="AND">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>AND (bitwise AND with accumulator) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Immediate AND #$44 $29 2 2
-Zero Page AND $44 $25 2 3
-Zero Page,X AND $44,X $35 2 4
-Absolute AND $4400 $2D 3 4
-Absolute,X AND $4400,X $3D 3 4+
-Absolute,Y AND $4400,Y $39 3 4+
-Indirect,X AND ($44,X) $21 2 6
-Indirect,Y AND ($44),Y $31 2 5+
-+ add 1 cycle if page boundary crossed
-<p><a name="ASL">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>ASL (Arithmetic Shift Left) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z C </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Accumulator ASL A $0A 1 2
-Zero Page ASL $44 $06 2 5
-Zero Page,X ASL $44,X $16 2 6
-Absolute ASL $4400 $0E 3 6
-Absolute,X ASL $4400,X $1E 3 7
-</pre>ASL shifts all bits left one position. 0 is shifted into bit 0 and the
-original bit 7 is shifted into the Carry.
-</p><p><a name="BIT">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>BIT (test BITs) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N V Z </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Zero Page BIT $44 $24 2 3
-Absolute BIT $4400 $2C 3 4
-</pre>BIT sets the Z flag as though the value in the address tested were ANDed
-with the accumulator. The N and V flags are set to match bits 7 and 6
-respectively in the value stored at the tested address.
-<p>BIT is often used to skip one or two following bytes as in:
-</p><p></p><pre>CLOSE1 LDX #$10 If entered here, we
- .BYTE $2C effectively perform
-CLOSE2 LDX #$20 a BIT test on $20A2,
- .BYTE $2C another one on $30A2,
-CLOSE3 LDX #$30 and end up with the X
-CLOSEX LDA #12 register still at $10
- STA ICCOM,X upon arrival here.
-Beware: a BIT instruction used in this way as a NOP does have effects: the flags
-may be modified, and the read of the absolute address, if it happens to access an
-I/O device, may cause an unwanted action.
-<p><a name="BCC">&nbsp;</a> <a name="BCS">&nbsp;</a> <a name="BEQ">&nbsp;</a> <a name="BNE">&nbsp;</a> <a name="BMI">&nbsp;</a> <a name="BPL">&nbsp;</a> <a name="BVC">&nbsp;</a> <a name="BVS">&nbsp;</a> <a name="BRA">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>Branch Instructions</h2>
-<p>Affect Flags: none
-</p><p>All branches are relative mode and have a length of two bytes. Syntax is "Bxx
-Displacement" or (better) "Bxx Label". See the notes on the <a href="#PC">Program Counter</a> for more on
-</p><p>Branches are dependant on the status of the flag bits when the op code is
-encountered. A branch not taken requires two machine cycles. Add one if the
-branch is taken and add one more if the branch crosses a page boundary. </p><pre>MNEMONIC HEX
-BPL (Branch on PLus) $10
-BMI (Branch on MInus) $30
-BVC (Branch on oVerflow Clear) $50
-BVS (Branch on oVerflow Set) $70
-BCC (Branch on Carry Clear) $90
-BCS (Branch on Carry Set) $B0
-BNE (Branch on Not Equal) $D0
-BEQ (Branch on EQual) $F0
-</pre>There is no BRA (BRanch Always) instruction but it can be easily emulated
-by branching on the basis of a known condition. One of the best flags to use for
-this purpose is the <a href="#VFLAG">oVerflow</a> which is unchanged
-by all but addition and subtraction operations.
-A page boundary crossing occurs when the branch destination is on a different
-page than the instruction AFTER the branch instruction. For example:
-</p><pre> SEC
-A page boundary crossing occurs (i.e. the BCS takes 4 cycles) when (the
-address of) LABEL and the NOP are on different pages. This means that
-<pre> CLV
-the BVC instruction will take 3 cycles no matter what address it is located
-</p><p><a name="BRK">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>BRK (BReaK) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: B </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Implied BRK $00 1 7
-</pre>BRK causes a non-maskable interrupt and increments the program counter by
-one. Therefore an <a href="#RTI">RTI</a> will
-go to the address of the BRK +2 so that BRK may be used to replace a
-two-byte instruction for debugging and the subsequent RTI will be correct.
-</p><p><a name="CMP">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>CMP (CoMPare accumulator) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z C </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Immediate CMP #$44 $C9 2 2
-Zero Page CMP $44 $C5 2 3
-Zero Page,X CMP $44,X $D5 2 4
-Absolute CMP $4400 $CD 3 4
-Absolute,X CMP $4400,X $DD 3 4+
-Absolute,Y CMP $4400,Y $D9 3 4+
-Indirect,X CMP ($44,X) $C1 2 6
-Indirect,Y CMP ($44),Y $D1 2 5+
-+ add 1 cycle if page boundary crossed
-</pre>Compare sets flags as if a subtraction had been carried out. If the value
-in the accumulator is equal or greater than the compared value, the Carry will
-be set. The equal (Z) and negative (N) flags will be set based on equality or lack
-thereof and the sign (i.e. A&gt;=$80) of the accumulator.
-</p><p><a name="CPX">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>CPX (ComPare X register) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z C </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Immediate CPX #$44 $E0 2 2
-Zero Page CPX $44 $E4 2 3
-Absolute CPX $4400 $EC 3 4
-</pre>Operation and flag results are identical to equivalent mode accumulator <a href="#CMP">CMP</a> ops.
-</p><p><a name="CPY">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>CPY (ComPare Y register) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z C </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Immediate CPY #$44 $C0 2 2
-Zero Page CPY $44 $C4 2 3
-Absolute CPY $4400 $CC 3 4
-</pre>Operation and flag results are identical to equivalent mode accumulator <a href="#CMP">CMP</a> ops.
-</p><p><a name="DEC">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>DEC (DECrement memory) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Zero Page DEC $44 $C6 2 5
-Zero Page,X DEC $44,X $D6 2 6
-Absolute DEC $4400 $CE 3 6
-Absolute,X DEC $4400,X $DE 3 7
-<p><a name="EOR">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>EOR (bitwise Exclusive OR) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Immediate EOR #$44 $49 2 2
-Zero Page EOR $44 $45 2 3
-Zero Page,X EOR $44,X $55 2 4
-Absolute EOR $4400 $4D 3 4
-Absolute,X EOR $4400,X $5D 3 4+
-Absolute,Y EOR $4400,Y $59 3 4+
-Indirect,X EOR ($44,X) $41 2 6
-Indirect,Y EOR ($44),Y $51 2 5+
-+ add 1 cycle if page boundary crossed
-<p><a name="CLC">&nbsp;</a> <a name="SEC">&nbsp;</a> <a name="CLD">&nbsp;</a> <a name="SED">&nbsp;</a> <a name="CLI">&nbsp;</a> <a name="SEI">&nbsp;</a> <a name="CLV">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>Flag (Processor Status) Instructions</h2>
-<p>Affect Flags: as noted
-</p><p>These instructions are implied mode, have a length of one byte and require
-two machine cycles. </p><pre>MNEMONIC HEX
-CLC (CLear Carry) $18
-SEC (SEt Carry) $38
-CLI (CLear Interrupt) $58
-SEI (SEt Interrupt) $78
-CLV (CLear oVerflow) $B8
-CLD (CLear Decimal) $D8
-SED (SEt Decimal) $F8
-<p><a name="IFLAG">&nbsp;</a> The Interrupt flag is used to prevent (SEI) or
-enable (CLI) maskable interrupts (aka IRQ's). It does not signal the presence or
-absence of an interrupt condition. The 6502 will set this flag automatically in
-response to an interrupt and restore it to its prior status on completion of the
-interrupt service routine. If you want your interrupt service routine to permit
-other maskable interrupts, you must clear the I flag in your code.
-</p><p><a name="DFLAG">&nbsp;</a> The Decimal flag controls how the 6502 adds and
-subtracts. If set, arithmetic is carried out in packed binary coded decimal.
-This flag is unchanged by interrupts and is unknown on power-up. The implication
-is that a CLD should be included in boot or interrupt coding.
-</p><p><a name="VFLAG">&nbsp;</a> The Overflow flag is generally misunderstood and
-therefore under-utilised. After an ADC or SBC instruction, the overflow flag
-will be set if the twos complement result is less than -128 or greater than
-+127, and it will cleared otherwise. In twos complement, $80 through $FF
-represents -128 through -1, and $00 through $7F represents 0 through +127.
-Thus, after:
-</p><pre> CLC
- LDA #$7F ; +127
- ADC #$01 ; + +1
-the overflow flag is 1 (+127 + +1 = +128), and after:
-<pre> CLC
- LDA #$81 ; -127
- ADC #$FF ; + -1
-the overflow flag is 0 (-127 + -1 = -128). The overflow flag is not
-affected by increments, decrements, shifts and logical operations i.e. only
-ADC, BIT, CLV, PLP, RTI and SBC affect it. There is no op code to set the
-overflow but a BIT test on an RTS instruction will do the trick.
-</p><p><a name="INC">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>INC (INCrement memory) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Zero Page INC $44 $E6 2 5
-Zero Page,X INC $44,X $F6 2 6
-Absolute INC $4400 $EE 3 6
-Absolute,X INC $4400,X $FE 3 7
-</p><p><a name="JMP">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>JMP (JuMP) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: none </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Absolute JMP $5597 $4C 3 3
-Indirect JMP ($5597) $6C 3 5
-</pre>JMP transfers program execution to the following address (absolute) or to
-the location contained in the following address (indirect). Note that there is
-no carry associated with the indirect jump so: <pre><strong>AN INDIRECT JUMP MUST NEVER USE A
-OF A PAGE</strong>
-</pre>For example if address $3000 contains $40, $30FF contains $80, and $3100
-contains $50, the result of JMP ($30FF) will be a transfer of control to $4080
-rather than $5080 as you intended i.e. the 6502 took the low byte of the address
-from $30FF and the high byte from $3000.
-</p><p><a name="JSR">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>JSR (Jump to SubRoutine) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: none </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Absolute JSR $5597 $20 3 6
-</pre>JSR pushes the address-1 of the next operation on to the stack before
-transferring program control to the following address. Subroutines are normally
-terminated by a <a href="#RTS">RTS</a> op
-</p><p><a name="LDA">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>LDA (LoaD Accumulator) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Immediate LDA #$44 $A9 2 2
-Zero Page LDA $44 $A5 2 3
-Zero Page,X LDA $44,X $B5 2 4
-Absolute LDA $4400 $AD 3 4
-Absolute,X LDA $4400,X $BD 3 4+
-Absolute,Y LDA $4400,Y $B9 3 4+
-Indirect,X LDA ($44,X) $A1 2 6
-Indirect,Y LDA ($44),Y $B1 2 5+
-+ add 1 cycle if page boundary crossed
-</p><p><a name="LDX">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>LDX (LoaD X register) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Immediate LDX #$44 $A2 2 2
-Zero Page LDX $44 $A6 2 3
-Zero Page,Y LDX $44,Y $B6 2 4
-Absolute LDX $4400 $AE 3 4
-Absolute,Y LDX $4400,Y $BE 3 4+
-+ add 1 cycle if page boundary crossed
-</p><p><a name="LDY">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>LDY (LoaD Y register) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Immediate LDY #$44 $A0 2 2
-Zero Page LDY $44 $A4 2 3
-Zero Page,X LDY $44,X $B4 2 4
-Absolute LDY $4400 $AC 3 4
-Absolute,X LDY $4400,X $BC 3 4+
-+ add 1 cycle if page boundary crossed
-</p><p><a name="LSR">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>LSR (Logical Shift Right) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z C </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Accumulator LSR A $4A 1 2
-Zero Page LSR $44 $46 2 5
-Zero Page,X LSR $44,X $56 2 6
-Absolute LSR $4400 $4E 3 6
-Absolute,X LSR $4400,X $5E 3 7
-</pre>LSR shifts all bits right one position. 0 is shifted into bit 7 and the
-original bit 0 is shifted into the Carry.
-</p><p><a name="WRAP">&nbsp;</a>
-<p>Use caution with indexed zero page operations as they are subject to
-wrap-around. For example, if the X register holds $FF and you execute LDA $80,X
-you will not access $017F as you might expect; instead you access $7F i.e.
-$80-1. This characteristic can be used to advantage but make sure your code is
-well commented.
-It is possible, however, to access $017F when X = $FF by using the Absolute,X
-addressing mode of LDA $80,X. That is, instead of:
-</p><pre> LDA $80,X ; ZeroPage,X - the resulting object code is: B5 80
-which accesses $007F when X=$FF, use:
-<pre> LDA $0080,X ; Absolute,X - the resulting object code is: BD 80 00
-which accesses $017F when X = $FF (a at cost of one additional byte and one
-additional cycle). All of the ZeroPage,X and ZeroPage,Y instructions except
-STX ZeroPage,Y and STY ZeroPage,X have a corresponding Absolute,X and
-Absolute,Y instruction. Unfortunately, a lot of 6502 assemblers don't have an
-easy way to force Absolute addressing, i.e. most will assemble a LDA $0080,X
-as B5 80. One way to overcome this is to insert the bytes using the .BYTE
-pseudo-op (on some 6502 assemblers this pseudo-op is called DB or DFB,
-consult the assembler documentation) as follows:
-<pre> .BYTE $BD,$80,$00 ; LDA $0080,X (absolute,X addressing mode)
-The comment is optional, but highly recommended for clarity.
-<p>In cases where you are writing code that will be relocated you must consider
-wrap-around when assigning dummy values for addresses that will be adjusted.
-Both zero and the semi-standard $FFFF should be avoided for dummy labels. The
-use of zero or zero page values will result in assembled code with zero page
-opcodes when you wanted absolute codes. With $FFFF, the problem is in
-addresses+1 as you wrap around to page 0.
-</p><p><a name="PC">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>Program Counter</h2>
-<p>When the 6502 is ready for the next instruction it increments the program
-counter before fetching the instruction. Once it has the op code, it increments
-the program counter by the length of the operand, if any. This must be accounted
-for when calculating branches or when pushing bytes to create a false return
-address (i.e. jump table addresses are made up of addresses-1 when it is
-intended to use an RTS rather than a JMP).
-</p><p>The program counter is loaded least signifigant byte first. Therefore the
-most signifigant byte must be pushed first when creating a false return address.
-</p><p>When calculating branches a forward branch of 6 skips the following 6 bytes
-so, effectively the program counter points to the address that is 8 bytes beyond
-the address of the branch opcode; and a backward branch of $FA (256-6) goes to
-an address 4 bytes before the branch instruction.
-</p><p><a name="TIMES">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>Execution Times</h2>
-<p>Op code execution times are measured in machine cycles; one machine cycle
-equals one clock cycle. Many instructions require one extra cycle for
-execution if a page boundary is crossed; these are indicated by a + following
-the time values shown.
-</p><p><a name="NOP">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>NOP (No OPeration) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: none </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Implied NOP $EA 1 2
-</pre>NOP is used to reserve space for future modifications or effectively REM
-out existing code.
-</p><p><a name="ORA">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>ORA (bitwise OR with Accumulator) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Immediate ORA #$44 $09 2 2
-Zero Page ORA $44 $05 2 3
-Zero Page,X ORA $44,X $15 2 4
-Absolute ORA $4400 $0D 3 4
-Absolute,X ORA $4400,X $1D 3 4+
-Absolute,Y ORA $4400,Y $19 3 4+
-Indirect,X ORA ($44,X) $01 2 6
-Indirect,Y ORA ($44),Y $11 2 5+
-+ add 1 cycle if page boundary crossed
-</p><p><a name="TAX">&nbsp;</a> <a name="TXA">&nbsp;</a> <a name="TAY">&nbsp;</a> <a name="TYA">&nbsp;</a> <a name="INX">&nbsp;</a> <a name="DEX">&nbsp;</a> <a name="INY">&nbsp;</a> <a name="DEY">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>Register Instructions </h2>
-<p>Affect Flags: N Z
-</p><p>These instructions are implied mode, have a length of one byte and require
-two machine cycles. </p><pre>MNEMONIC HEX
-TAX (Transfer A to X) $AA
-TXA (Transfer X to A) $8A
-DEX (DEcrement X) $CA
-INX (INcrement X) $E8
-TAY (Transfer A to Y) $A8
-TYA (Transfer Y to A) $98
-DEY (DEcrement Y) $88
-INY (INcrement Y) $C8
-</p><p><a name="ROL">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>ROL (ROtate Left) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z C </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Accumulator ROL A $2A 1 2
-Zero Page ROL $44 $26 2 5
-Zero Page,X ROL $44,X $36 2 6
-Absolute ROL $4400 $2E 3 6
-Absolute,X ROL $4400,X $3E 3 7
-</pre>ROL shifts all bits left one position. The Carry is shifted into bit 0 and
-the original bit 7 is shifted into the Carry.
-</p><p><a name="ROR">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>ROR (ROtate Right) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N Z C </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Accumulator ROR A $6A 1 2
-Zero Page ROR $44 $66 2 5
-Zero Page,X ROR $44,X $76 2 6
-Absolute ROR $4400 $6E 3 6
-Absolute,X ROR $4400,X $7E 3 7
-</pre>ROR shifts all bits right one position. The Carry is shifted into bit 7
-and the original bit 0 is shifted into the Carry.
-</p><p><a name="RTI">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>RTI (ReTurn from Interrupt) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: all </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Implied RTI $40 1 6
-</pre>RTI retrieves the Processor Status Word (flags) and the Program Counter
-from the stack in that order (interrupts push the PC first and then the PSW).
-<p>Note that unlike RTS, the return address on the stack is the actual address
-rather than the address-1.
-</p><p><a name="RTS">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>RTS (ReTurn from Subroutine) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: none </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Implied RTS $60 1 6
-</pre>RTS pulls the top two bytes off the stack (low byte first) and transfers
-program control to that address+1. It is used, as expected, to exit a subroutine
-invoked via <a href="#JSR">JSR</a> which
-pushed the address-1.
-<p>RTS is frequently used to implement a jump table where addresses-1 are pushed
-onto the stack and accessed via RTS eg. to access the second of four routines: </p><pre> LDX #1
- .BYTE &lt;ROUTINE0-1,&lt;ROUTINE1-1
- .BYTE &lt;ROUTINE2-1,&lt;ROUTINE3-1
- .BYTE &gt;ROUTINE0-1,&gt;ROUTINE1-1
- .BYTE &gt;ROUTINE2-1,&gt;ROUTINE3-1
-</p><p><a name="SBC">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>SBC (SuBtract with Carry)</h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: N V Z C </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Immediate SBC #$44 $E9 2 2
-Zero Page SBC $44 $E5 2 3
-Zero Page,X SBC $44,X $F5 2 4
-Absolute SBC $4400 $ED 3 4
-Absolute,X SBC $4400,X $FD 3 4+
-Absolute,Y SBC $4400,Y $F9 3 4+
-Indirect,X SBC ($44,X) $E1 2 6
-Indirect,Y SBC ($44),Y $F1 2 5+
-+ add 1 cycle if page boundary crossed
-</pre>SBC results are dependant on the setting of the decimal flag. In decimal
-mode, subtraction is carried out on the assumption that the values involved are
-packed BCD (Binary Coded Decimal).
-<p>There is no way to subtract without the carry which works as an inverse
-borrow. i.e, to subtract you set the carry before the operation. If the carry is
-cleared by the operation, it indicates a borrow occurred.
-</p><p><a name="STA">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>STA (STore Accumulator) </h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: none </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Zero Page STA $44 $85 2 3
-Zero Page,X STA $44,X $95 2 4
-Absolute STA $4400 $8D 3 4
-Absolute,X STA $4400,X $9D 3 5
-Absolute,Y STA $4400,Y $99 3 5
-Indirect,X STA ($44,X) $81 2 6
-Indirect,Y STA ($44),Y $91 2 6
-</p><p><a name="TXS">&nbsp;</a> <a name="TSX">&nbsp;</a> <a name="PHA">&nbsp;</a> <a name="PLA">&nbsp;</a> <a name="PHP">&nbsp;</a> <a name="PLP">&nbsp;</a> <a name="STACK">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>Stack Instructions</h2>
-<p>These instructions are implied mode, have a length of one byte and require
-machine cycles as indicated. The "PuLl" operations are known as "POP" on most
-other microprocessors. With the 6502, the stack is always on page one
-($100-$1FF) and works top down. </p><pre>MNEMONIC HEX TIM
-TXS (Transfer X to Stack ptr) $9A 2
-TSX (Transfer Stack ptr to X) $BA 2
-PHA (PusH Accumulator) $48 3
-PLA (PuLl Accumulator) $68 4
-PHP (PusH Processor status) $08 3
-PLP (PuLl Processor status) $28 4
-</p><p><a name="STX">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>STX (STore X register)</h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: none </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Zero Page STX $44 $86 2 3
-Zero Page,Y STX $44,Y $96 2 4
-Absolute STX $4400 $8E 3 4
-</p><p><a name="STY">&nbsp;</a>
-</p><h2>STY (STore Y register)</h2>
-<p>Affects Flags: none </p><pre>MODE SYNTAX HEX LEN TIM
-Zero Page STY $44 $84 2 3
-Zero Page,X STY $44,X $94 2 4
-Absolute STY $4400 $8C 3 4
-</p><p><font size="-1">Last Updated Oct 17, 2020.</font>
-</p></body></html> \ No newline at end of file