diff options
authoralekseiplusplus <>2024-06-28 17:31:54 +1000
committeralekseiplusplus <>2024-06-28 17:31:54 +1000
commit7635f08fdeacdc3758ab410ae39c51529c614453 (patch)
Initial; already done much
6 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b25c15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b56a36b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+This server serves a subset of HTTP.
+It has currently only implemented what is necessary to serve GET requests, because I do not want much more than this.
+Configuration is performed with the configure.tcl file, the others should not need to be touched.
+- for now, perhaps later we can do a simple config file
+- You can configure it to hook into Tcl
diff --git a/configure.tcl b/configure.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..717a59d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+## Set your variables here.
+namespace eval http {
+ # The directory which files are searched for.
+ variable root {/home/aleksei/www/files/}
+ # hook_namespace refers to a user-created namespace.
+ # It must have some things such as
+ # A proc 'main' which is what the server will execute to get information.
+ # A list $targets which have all the valid targets.
+ variable hook_namespace {}
+## Import HTML Generating Modules
+## Validate configuration variables.
+## Especially file exists content
+## Especially validate the existence of necessary components in $content
diff --git a/http-request_target.tcl b/http-request_target.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ca567f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/http-request_target.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+namespace eval request_target {
+ # get channel first_line
+ # Get request_target from the first line
+ #
+ # file request_target
+ # File portion of request_target
+ #
+ # query request_target
+ # Decoded query portion of request_target
+ #
+ # encode query
+ # Encode a query
+ #
+ # decode query
+ # Decode a query
+ ## Gets the request_target from the first client line.
+ proc get {channel first_line} {
+ ## Reject if first line is not a properly formatted GET request.
+ ## ^GET RWS - HTTP/(Versions) $
+ if { ![regexp {^(GET ){1}.* HTTP/(0.9|1.0|1.1){1}$} $first_line] } {
+ ::http::respond $channel 400
+ }
+ ## Return between first and last space.
+ set request_target [string trim \
+ [string range $first_line \
+ [string first " " $first_line] \
+ [string last " " $first_line]]]
+ puts "|$request_target|"
+ ## If there are two periods in a request target (trying to access parent files), reject.
+ if [regexp {\.\./} $request_target] {
+ respond 400
+ }
+ if [regexp {^/.*$} $request_target] {
+ puts "origin-form"
+ return $request_target
+ }
+ ## Turn absolute-form to origin-form
+ if [regexp {^http(s)?://[[:alpha:].]+/[[:graph:]*]} $request_target] {
+ set request_target \
+ [string range $request_target \
+ [expr [string first / [string range $request_target 8 end]] + 8] \
+ end]
+ return $request_target
+ }
+ puts "Neither origin-form or absolute-form"
+ respond 400;
+ }
+ #TODO: Will need to improve these functions later.
+ ## Take the file part of the request target.
+ proc file {request_target} {
+ set t [string first ? $request_target]
+ if {$t == -1} {
+ return [string range $request_target 1 end]
+ }
+ else {
+ return [string range $request_target 1 [expr $t - 1]]
+ }
+ }
+ ## Process request_target into a query string.
+ proc query {request_target} {
+ set t [string first ? $request_target]
+ if {$t == -1} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ else {
+ return [decode [string map {& { } = { }} \
+ [string range $request_target \
+ [expr $t + 1] end]]]
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create dictionaries for coding and decoding query strings.
+ variable character2code {};
+ variable code2character {};
+ for {set i 0} {$i <= 255} {incr i 1} {
+ set ch [format %c $i];
+ if {[expr !( [string is alpha $ch] || [string is digit $ch] )]} {
+ set co "\%[format %02X $i]";
+ dict append character2code $ch $co
+ dict append code2character $co $ch
+ }
+ }
+ proc encode {query} {
+ variable character2code
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $query]} {incr i 1} {
+ lset query $i \
+ [string map -nocase $character2code [lindex $query $i]]
+ }
+ set query [string map -nocase {{ } {%20}} $query]
+ return $query
+ }
+ proc decode {query} {
+ variable code2character
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $query]} {incr i 1} {
+ lset query $i \
+ [string map -nocase $code2character [lindex $query $i]]
+ }
+ set query [string map -nocase {{%20} { }} $query]
+ return $query
+ }
diff --git a/http.tcl b/http.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7bc799e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/http.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# From configuration
+# root Directory which files reside in.
+namespace eval http {
+ # server channel address port
+ # Server process
+ #
+ # content-type filename
+ # Find the MIME content type of a file
+ #
+ # send-file channel filename
+ # Open and send a file.
+ #
+ # respond channel status ?optional
+ # Makes HTTP response with status on channel. Optional is an optional argument with various meanings.
+ #
+ # error-page status
+ # Returns a small error page.
+ variable status_codes \
+ [dict create \
+ 200 {OK} \
+ 301 {Moved Permanently} \
+ 400 {Bad Request} \
+ 404 {Not Found} \
+ ]
+ variable mime_types \
+ [dict create \
+ .txt text/plain \
+ .html text/html \
+ .css text/css \
+ {} text/html \
+ .png image/png \
+ .jpg image/jpeg \
+ .ttf font/ttf \
+ .pdf application/pdf \
+ .mp3 audio/mpeg \
+ ]
+ proc server {channel address port} {
+ variable hook_namespace;
+ variable root;
+ ## (1) Handle first line
+ puts "(1)"
+ gets $channel line
+ set request_target [request_target::get $channel $line]
+ ## (2) Get rest of packet.
+ set packet {}
+ while { [gets $channel line] } {
+ puts $line
+ puts -nonewline "field-line...";#!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ flush stdout
+ ## Check if field-line is in correct form.
+ ## ^field-name : OWS field-value OWS $
+ if [expr ![regexp {^[[:alpha:]-]+(:){1}[[:space:]]?[[:print:]]+[[:space:]]?$} $line]] {
+ respond $channel 400
+ }
+ puts " fine!";#!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ puts -nonewline "Host duplicates...";#!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ## Reject duplicates of the host field.
+ set key [string tolower [string range $line 0 [expr [string first : $line] - 1]]]
+ puts -nonewline "key is $key ... [string compare $key host] and [lsearch $packet host] ...";#!!!!
+ flush stdout
+ if [expr ([string compare $key "host"] == 0) && ([lsearch $packet "host"] != -1)] {
+ respond $channel 400
+ }
+ puts " fine!";#!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ## Add to packet dictionary
+ dict append packet \
+ [string tolower [string range $line 0 [expr [string first : $line] - 1]]] \
+ [string range $line [expr [string first : $line] + 2] end]
+ }
+ ## Reject packets that have no host field.
+ if {[lsearch [dict keys $packet] "host"] == -1} {
+ respond $channel 400
+ }
+ ## (3) If all is good, then respond.
+ puts "All good!"
+ # If file exists, then 200 OK!
+ set filename [string cat $root [request_target::file $request_target]]
+ puts "Getting file $filename"
+ if [file exists $filename] {
+ respond $channel 200 $filename
+ }
+ #TODO: Make some filler for this.
+ # If it's one of the targets of the imported namespace, then 200 OK!
+ #if [namespace eval $hook_namespace [string cat {lsearch $targets } "$filename"]] {
+ # respond $channel 200 $filename
+ #}
+ puts "Actually, 404"
+ # Then I guess it doesn't exist.
+ respond $channel 404
+ }
+ proc content-type {filename} {
+ variable mime_types;
+ return [dict get $mime_types [file extension $filename]]
+ }
+ # Sends an opened file or cached file.
+ proc send-file {channel filename} {
+ #TODO: configure it to try the cache.
+ #TODO: configure channels to use binary translation if content type is not text/*
+ set file [open $filename]
+ fcopy $file $channel
+ close $file
+ }
+ ## Header
+ ## optional stands for a few different values.
+ ## 200 : Request Target
+ ## 3xx : Location
+ proc respond {channel status {optional {}}} {
+ ## Import Variables
+ variable root;
+ variable status_codes;
+ variable hook_namespace;
+ ## New Variables
+ variable content {};
+ variable response {};
+ ## If it's not a status code we know, then error, it's your fault!
+ if [expr [lsearch [dict keys $status_codes] $status] == -1] {
+ error "Invalid status response"
+ }
+ ## (1) Give Status Line
+ append response "HTTP/1.1 $status [dict get $status_codes $status]\n"
+ append response "Server: unknown\n"
+ #append response "Last-Modified: Sun, 14 Apr 2024 01:58:24 GMT\n"
+ append response "Date: [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT} -gmt 1]\n"
+ if { $status == 200 } {
+ if [file exists $optional] {
+ append response "Content-Length: [file size $optional]\n"
+ append response "Content-Type: [content-type $optional]\n"
+ append response "\n"
+ puts -nonewline $channel $response
+ send-file $channel $optional
+ } else {
+ #TODO: implement this when have something to implement!
+ set content "Sup mate!"
+ append response "Content-Length: [string bytelength $content]\n"
+ append response "Content-Type: text/html\n"
+ append response "\n"
+ puts -nonewline $channel $response
+ puts -nonewline $channel $content
+ }
+ # give a Last-Modified: field
+ puts -nonewline $channel $response
+ } else {
+ ## Error Page
+ set content [error-page $status]
+ append response "Content-Type: text/html\n"
+ append response "Content-Length: [string bytelength $content]\n"
+ if [expr ($status >= 300) && ($status <= 308) && ([string compare $optional {}] != 0)] {
+ append response "Location: $optional\n"
+ }
+ append response "\n"
+ puts -nonewline $channel $response
+ puts -nonewline $channel $content
+ }
+ close $channel
+ return -level 2
+ }
+ proc error-page {status {location {}}} {
+ variable status_codes
+ return "<html><head><title>Status: $status</title></head><body style='font-size:48px;text-align:center'><b style='font-size:72px'>$status</b><br>[dict get $status_codes $status]</body></html>"
+ }
+ source http-request_target.tcl
diff --git a/main.tcl b/main.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bd24e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+source configure.tcl
+source http.tcl
+socket -server http::server 8000
+vwait forever